

Heirloom have described weaving their music through “the cult movie romance of a Tarantino lens.”

With layers of graceful reverb, delay and fuzz, dark organs and jangly guitars, we speak to the cinematic-garage band from Brighton who produce their very own brand of Gloom Pop.

What’s new with you guys?

We recently played some tracks live on BBC introducing south which went well. At the moment we're working hard on a new single due to be released in the next couple of months called ‘Curtain Call’, whilst preparing for some upcoming shows and new material. We'll be playing up in London on the 24th January at Shacklewell arms and then on the 16th April at The Hope and Ruin supporting the wonderful Juniore which we're really looking forward to. 

WHAT are YOU currently listening to?

Ben is listening to Cindy Lou by The Cowboys.

Jane is listening to everybody's been burned by The Byrds.

Nick has been listening to the albums Homes by Gilad Hekselman and placeholder by Hand Habits.

What’s the most memorable show you’ve played?

The most memorable show we played was probably in Edinburgh on our tour with Demob Happy and Sick Joy. Great venue, amazing crowd and a lot of whisky. Playing Concorde 2 back in Brighton was also a highlight.

Where’s good for pre/post-gig grub?

Jane assures that pre-show food is best consumed before 2 pm and Jade believes that post-gig food would always have to be Ramen - nothing too heavy for our delicate adrenaline riddled bodies. 

What do you think of the local Sussex music scene?

We love the local music scene. Some incredible bands come out of Sussex. Bands such as CLT DRP, Beach Riot, Penelope Isles to name a few. GURU are always fun to watch and they put on a great show. 

Also, not just the bands but praise goes out to all of the great venues and promoters who are channelling all of the best music.- What’s the strangest show you’ve played? Not in this band but one of the first shows Jane played was to a village pub. The audience, organiser and the sound guy were really into it. Due to them all being the same person it would have been hard to get mixed reviews. Though, they were asked to turn down as the set was upsetting a regular's dog at the bar. 

What’s your favourite/most cherished bit of gear?

I think it's safe to say that we all love and cherish our instruments but further love goes out to our drummer Nick's Car. We wouldn't get anywhere without it! It has saved us on many occasions. We love it for all its beautiful idiosyncrasies and cherish it dearly.

What’s your favourite album?

Jade's favoured album at the moment is Sincerely Yours Future Pollution by Timber Timbre.
At the moment Ben's would have to be Histoire de Melody Nelson by Serge Gainsbourg. Dream River by Bill Callahan is also a fantastic listen.Jane couldn't possibly say one but, A woofer in tweeter's clothing by Sparks, Heavier than a death in the family by Les Rallies Dénudés and Adore Life by Savages, are all permeant fixtures. 

If you could invite three musicians, alive or dead, to a dinner party who would you choose, and what would you talk about?

Jane would invite Liza Minnelli, Freddie Mercury and Patti Smith. As for the subject of conversation, she imagines it being tangent after tangent, maybe start with a memorable dream and go from there.   

andrew williams